SCO Summit 2024 Invitation to PM Modi: Olive Branch from Pak

Prime Minister Narendra Modi receiving an invitation for the SCO Summit 2024 from Pakistan

NEW DELHI: In an unexpected diplomatic overture, the Pakistan government has invited PM Narendra Modi to SCO Summit in Islamabad on October 15-16, adding a new layer of complexity to ties between India and Pakistan. Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar also gave indications of flexibility while treading cautiously. With tensions simmering and regional dynamics changing, will PM Modi seize the opportunity to make amends with the SCO summit or stay strategically aloof?

What is SCO and What is Importance of SCO Summit?

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a leading intergovernmental organization established in 2001 between China, Russia, and a number of Central Asian states, also recently inviting India and Pakistan to membership. It seeks, in substance, the promotion of regional cooperation in political, economic, and security matters and, as such, has come to be an important venue for mutual challenges and opportunities to work out shared responses. The SCO Summit is held every year, which serves as a crucial forum for discussing regional security, economic development, and diplomatic relations amongst its member countries.

Pakistan’s SCO Summit Invitation to PM Modi

Recent invitation to the Pakistan SCO Summit 2024 to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi becomes a very important diplomatic move. This summit, scheduled to be hosted in Islamabad, may turn out to be a moment of forcing change in the complex relations between the two neighboring nations. Offering an invitation to PM Modi by Pakistan reflects a possible reason for the thawing of relations with an avenue for dialogue after continuous tensions.

The Importance of the SCO Summit in Islamabad

The SCO Summit in Islamabad is one of the major events for the region that might have a positive effect on both regional stability and bilateral relations. The summit presents an opportunity to the member states to discuss pressing issues at a high level: counterterrorism, economic cooperation, and regional security. For Pakistan, hosting the summit provides a good opportunity to flex its diplomatic heft and stakes in regional geopolitics.

India’s Response to the SCO Summit 2024 Invitation

Following the SCO Summit Invitation of Pakistan, Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar hinted that the country’s response would be balanced and dependent upon “more happening” across the border. He had spoken at a private event, and his comment did carry nuance: positive and negative moves from Pakistan would be duly reciprocated by India. And this somewhat hinted at a possible new turn in India’s dealing with its ties with Pakistan-from an active toward a reactive approach.

Regional Dynamics and Challenges

The timing of the SCO Summit 2024 comes amidst a time when regional challenges have reached a fever pitch. India’s relations with its neighbors have reached a transition phase. The alliance is shifting, and the diplomatic priorities of all the regional actors are also undergoing metamorphosis. The SCO Summit in Islamabad will be one such venue that could provide an opportunity for PM Modi to address such complex dynamics that might influence future interactions in the region.


With a formal invitation to PM Modi to attend the SCO Summit 2024 by Pakistan, the move can change, or has the potential to do so, the Indo-Pak dynamics and regional equilibrium, keeping the diplomatic community in suspense as to what this olive branch signals. The summit presents the opportunity for engagement and dialogue, whose fruition is subject to the responses and follow-up action by the two countries over the ensuing weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the SCO and why is it important to Pakistan?

The SCO is, of course, one of the leading regional organizations promoting political, economic, and security cooperation. In this respect, Pakistan’s involvement with it presents a unique opportunity to develop its capabilities for diplomatic influence, resolve certain hot-button regional security issues, and expand the scope of economic cooperation with its member states.

2. What is an SCO meeting?

The SCO meeting is an annual SCO Summit that assembles the leaders of member states to discuss key regional issues, to collaborate on security and economic matters, and to solidify diplomatic relations.

3. What does SCO stand for?

SCO stands for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization-an international intergovernmental organization aiming at enhancing regional cooperation and tackling common challenges among its member countries.

4. Why does the SCO matter?

The SCO is important because it avails a platform where the member states can address regional security concerns, promote economic development, and advance diplomatic relations. It is instrumental in fostering collaboration among major regional powers and addressing common challenges.

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